May 22 (Trade Plan)

Busted the tournament in Day 2 (200th out of 529). Ran into another damn 3 outer that crushed my stack and that was the start of the end. Exiting main hurts bad every time. I had managed to get my stack up 50% for the day. Felt good, near average. I had AQspades SB vs BTN. He raised PF in the BTN, I three bet in the SB and he called mandatory with K7s. the flop had a K on it with two spades. Check/Bet turn is an Ace, he checks I shove..he calls and hits a 7 on the river. If I had won that I’d have been above average and ready to compete for the end. I’m always super emotional after a tournament (When I bust to these ridiculous hands) after having put in hours and hours of concentration. The good side is that my game has never been better, I’ve been playing really well, I have confidence in the game I am playing and I guess eventually it’ll work out. I guess I got two day 2’s out of the trip. I busted the 1k with a BS hand as well as I previously wrote. That was 240 or so out of 1540…..One of these have to damn well connect. It’s never about the money, its all about the competition 🙂

When you’re early in the tournament you’re usually not at risk re your entire stack. It’s the day 2/3 when you need a few 80-90% EV hands to not run bad on you! I get it in with the best of it and just get run out of. I am running bad. I haven’t been able to get it in positive more than 1 time in a row deep in a tournament. Unfortunately, you need 2-3 good hands in a row to chip up and if I don’t get these I can’t win. I mean AA vs AK in 2018 vs Ryan Reiss, I had KQ on KQ8 in the barcelona to exit to 88. Or A8s vs A2o in the Barcelona main only for him to hit the 2. Blah. Any one of those 5-10% go the other way, I’d be deep running.

My trading account is hitting about 19% today which is the only positive thing today 🙂 I removed most of my Aug trades today and have dry powder. I was able to get 60 short puts sold for my factory but I wasn’t able to get on more STTs today which is annoying, well maybe not, there’s 10 min left in the day, maybe my orders will fill.

Off to Ottawa tomorrow for a comedian show and some meetings. Then I am making my way to Toronto and over to Moab for a wedding. The next tournaments will be Vegas WSOP. Let’s see how those go.

Summer Travels

An update on the travels portion of this blog :

This should be a different summer than usual as I usually do a 3 month road trip in Europe. We won’t be doing that this year rather we’ll be back and forth from Cayman in mini trips from April till August.


We’ll be kicking things off by starting a 22 day road trip up the west coast starting in San Diego and reaching Seattle. We got an Au Pair meeting us in San Diego so there will be plenty of adult time. The plan is to stay in San Diego for 4-5 days, before making our way to LA for another 4-5 days. We booked a brunch at Crossroads which should be cool. We’ll hit up Universal and maybe the LA comedy club and of course every stop we will frequent every famous vegan restaurant that we can find. After that we’ll hit up San Fran and make our way to Portland then Seattle to finalize the trip. Looking most forward to Portland.


We’ll then head back to Cayman for a few weeks. Then we’ll do a 3 week trip to Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and finally Denver as well as the Moab Desert. We’ll see a band called The Architects play (a great metal core band). I am not a huge fan of their latest album but it’s OK. I would much rather see Heaven Shall burn or Hopesfall but alas, they will do.

The day after that concert I will play the Millions North America (Party Poker tournament), good timing. We will then make our way to Ottawa and see Iliza (comedian) and end the Canada portion of the trip in Toronto. That will be followed up by a week in Denver and the Moab Desert for a wedding


From the Moab, I’ll depart solo to play a handfull of WSOP tournaments (Millionaire maker, Marathon and a few others) before returning to Cayman for another 2 weeks.


On Jul 1 I then will return to Vegas for the WSOP main event. At the end of July we’ll take off for Europe but just for a 3.5 week mini trip before returning for the kids new school year. Busy busy.

Busy but fun summer. I’ve got a poker coach now so I’ll be studying hard for those run of tournaments. Hoping to cash a few this time around. I want another deep run 🙂

155 Unit STT

Been a while again…regretfully

I was traveling over the holidays. Ended up buying a piece of land for a cottage and a new Model X Tesla P100D. Then to top it off, I then flew to Bahamas to compete in a few poker tournaments including the Stars main event championship.

Poker went pretty awesome. I got a 1st place finish and a 62nd in the main event only to be busted out when I had AA vs Ryan Riess’s AK. I was a 93% favorite after I 4bet shoved but he caught 2 kings on the flop and I was eliminated. Bad beat. But I walked away with about 15k for my efforts.

I can tell you despite the good results, it didn’t feel that great. My chip stack was healthy as was the villain (Ryan Riess). I was a huge favorite and I am confident that with my style of play, I’d have made the final table with that win. As well, when he called my 4bet shove with AK, we had to wait several minutes as the photographers, tv crews and some writers came over to analyse the hand. So I was sitting there, super excited, knowing I was a 93% favorite ..basically already counting my chips and smelling the final table only to have KK flop. Brutal.

I might have to add in a section on this blog for poker as I am now back at it and will be playing the circuit. Next stop WPT on Feb 9th in Montreal.

Here were some of the highlights:

In the trading world, I have moved over to doing a good % of my trading portfolio in the STT(Space Trip Trade) and BSH (Black Swan Hedge) trade combo. I got a big one on for May right now—>155 Units!

I am excited about the trade and it should be fun and interesting. I was satisfied with the back-testing and I think the trade will be my main staple trade along with a 30% combination of the ATM trades (Rhinos). I closed off most of the Feb Rhinos and have only some March and April. I’ll enter the Rhino trades opportunistically when pricing is good and use them as a hedge to to the mid 5-10% downside moves.

I’ll get a post up analyzing my current STT trade shortly. I have a few more debit spreads to add and it’ll be complete.