Jul 9 – Trade Plan

Another wild day. The Chinese markets had half their equities halted and the NYSE halted trading after a technical error causing a bit of panic in the markets. Volatility reared its ugly head again and the pricing of our Jul MIC options went up.  No chance to exit yet and we did have to adjust a bit more on the way down. Both trades are still well within positive territory and only lost a tiny bit through the wild day yesterday if any at all (I can’t tell because the mids are all over the place as is usual in high volatility times like this –Especially in the SPX options).

There is a nice bounce in the futures and Shanghai is up 6% but I wouldn’t expect much more than a bounce here which could only last for tomorrow or it could go for a few days.  The CPC (put-call ratio) is extremely high and usually these means more down ahead but we shouldn’t be too far from a bottom.  Additionally, the bullish percentages are also quite weak across the board

BPNYA -1.02%, BPCOMPQ -1.48%, BPSPX -0.73%, BPOEX-1.59%, BPENER -7.69% – but BPFINA +1.85% and BPINDU +5.56% are up. Only BPNDX is flat

Heavyweights of SPX: aapl -2.48%, xom -1.09%, msft -0.14%, jnj -1.16%, brk -1.11%, wfc -1.78%, ge -2.19%, jpm -2.05%, pg -0.89% ibm -1.12%, pfe -0.83%, goog -1.56%, sbux -1.81%, amzn -1.61%, t -1.44% (Source: Uempel@Cobra)

In any case, I am going to just start to close the trade on any bounce and call it a day for July.  Things are just too volatile to hold much longer, we’ll take what we can get and use any decline to enter more into our Aug MIC. I did enter about 4 units yesterday during a big decline. I was getting decently paid on 200 point (1870/1850s) which is great. If I enter any more in the next days on down, I will be using a ratio of 5:1 for the put spreads to call spreads rather than 3:1.  The plan will be to add the other 2 on any large upwards retracement.  




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