Jun 6 – Trip Report

From Malta to the Laplands and everywhere in-between (in a Tesla S)

The Start

Waking up at 4am, we showered and got into the car, ready for a very long and exhausting day dealing with language difficulties and stressful driving conditions. We had prudently packed the car the night before, fitting in 3 suitcases, an iMac, and several smaller items. Most of it fit in the Frunk (front trunk in electric cars) though our biggest computer and suitcase fit in the back seat along with Irina. We arrived to the Malta ferry at about 5am and though we were supposed to board, the attendant informed us that we have to pay extra for our car as it is so long. So that took up some time and annoyance. Once aboard, the 1.5 hr ferry ride was smooth, we said good bye to Malta and I got in a quick nap in preparation for the drive through Sicily.

Arrival in Sicily

Once we arrived in Sicily we had about 350km range. We made our way to the Ikea in Catania which was perfectly positioned right off the highway. Southern italy city driving in the Tesla (a very large and wide car) is a dangerous affair and one I try to avoid at all costs.  We got there with about 180 km range and we topped up to about 350km. We spent about 2-3 hours in Ikea while the  kids played in the play area and the Tesla charged. Charge completed at about 1pm. We left towards another charge point in Palermo. Then the S-show started. It wasn’t a public charger but rather a private one in the ENEL (think Hydro) building.  It took Ash like 30 minutes re language difficulties to have the security guard open the gates and let us charge, that was no easy feat. Pulling in the car was even tougher, the maniacal parking near the gate gave us maybe 1 inch wiggle room and that required us backing up and adjusting several times (into insane traffic) all the while hoping the gate didn’t close on us. Once in, we finagled our huge car in-between some of the smallest spots and we topped it up to about 240km which was more than enough to get us to the Dorno supercharger after departing from Genoa upon arrival.

The Ferry

The ferry is an absolute hell hole.  Pretty much the worst thing you can experience on a “paid for” ship experience.  Our 3 bed suite was basically a queen size bet with a small couch. The smell on the ship was body odour combined with stale smoke. The condition of the ship was gross, we had a 13 inch CRT tv from the 80s in our room. The lines/waits for getting on and off were bad as well. We got there early and were first on which meant most bottom garage (i.e. last out) So we were first in and last out.  We had to exit our cabin at 5pm and wait till about 8:30pm in the hallway beside the garage enjoying the wonderful smells as mentioned before.

The Drive to Arona

What a beautiful drive!  We drove up to the Dorno supercharger and had a bite to eat. It took about 20min to get a charge and we departed towards Arona. The autostrada was so smooth and a great drive. The speed limit is 130 and we set the cruise at 140 and made it to the B&B at 11:15pm.  The trip starts here:

Arrived in Arona

We’ve arrived to our first stop on the first leg of the 3-month trek through Europe.  It all started at one of the most southern points (Malta) of Europe and will reach out to the most northern in the Swedish laplands.

Arona is one of my favorite places and it made sense to start the journey here.  It’s got to be one of the most relaxing places in Europe.  Can’t speak enough about it.  Thanks to a fellow Tesla driver for introducing it to me when I picked the car up in Tilburg last August.

The first part was difficult. Two ferries and 40 hours later we arrived which is no easy feat with a 3 and 5 year old . More about that soon.